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Well, Jeremy and I took a big step in our relationship. We are getting a Boxer puppy. He was born on April 17, 2006 and we saw him at 2 days old. We had 2 puppies in mind, but one was chosen by another couple. So, we are getting the puppy on the left in the picture. He has a "tulip" (or an airplane, or a dollar sign) mark on his back. We were told yesterday that the other puppy is very whiney and is a bit bigger than our puppy. Jeremy was online as soon as we found out that we were going to get a puppy to research names. He found "Odin" which is a Norse mythology name for god of all gods. I liked it, but wanted to have a longer name, so he tought of Sir Odin Von Hamburglar and it's kind of stuck. Jeremy says that Odin will probably try and take at least one hamburger so the name will eventually fit him. I can't think of another name that I like so until I do, I'm sticking with his choice. Maybe it'll grow on me.
We went and saw Odin again yesterday, which is day 23. Odin was very sleepy but we managed to get him up to take a couple of pictures. Well, he was up until we were holding him then he went back to sleep. He's about double the size as he was at day 2 and his fur is a little bit lighter but otherewise no other changes. He was also the first puppy in the litter to start walking. We should be able to take him home in about 3 weeks.
One cute happy little family. I think the baby looks alot like Jeremy! :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thu May 11, 04:06:00 PM EDT
JEREMY said....
ha ha ha... very funny!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wed May 17, 09:58:00 PM EDT
I think Odin will be more of Jer's dog than he will be mine. He looks so comfy in his arms.
Posted by
.: Sandra :. |
Thu May 18, 02:34:00 PM EDT