Thursday, August 31, 2006

Goodbye Snoopy!

Odin first met Snoopy when I brought home Boomer's old toys. I put the toys in my closet in a bag when Odin came in and took Snoopy without me noticing. I figured he would be really upset with me if I took Snoopy away from him. So there was a bond from the moment Odin laid eyes on him. Odin would play with him every night. He would pick him up by the ear and throw him around the room or he would get us to throw him. It was one of the only toys that we could give to stop barking.

While cleaning the bedroom yesterday, Jeremy and I noticed that we hadn’t seen or heard Odin in about 15 minutes so I decided to go and check on him. He was in the living room destroying his Snoopy. He pulled the stuffing out and spread it around the living room. He took the ball that Snoopy was holding and held it in his mouth and tried to run with it.

He likes to take shoes and pull the laces out. He'll bit the laces and try and throw the shoe, but it usually kicks him in the head. He also likes to play with ice cubes. He'll kick them around the kitchen then eat it when it gets small enough.

Odin’s been pretty good about not destroying things around the house…well except for my glasses. He's 4 ½ months old so i'm sure that more will be destroyed.

Friday, August 25, 2006


The snow is coming, which means hockey season is right around the corner. The 2006 season of OHL hockey begins in early October. The home games of the season will be held in the new Steelback Sports & Entertainment Centre.

How would you like to attend the first game of the Soo Greyhounds against the Sudbury Wolves on October 11, 2006? This game will most likely be very busy as it will be the first home game of the season. Ticket sales for this game go on sale September 18th to the general public. I have access to as many tickets as people need through someone I work with. Tickets are $15.50 (adult), $12.50 (senior) and $9.00 (child) each. Let me know how many you would like and get me the money ASAP. You will have your ticket(s) before the general public is sold tickets.

Bring extra money to the game to purchase “Chuck-A-Puck” to help a local Ringette team.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Take Me Out To The Ball Game....

This past Wednesday most of us from the Innovation Centre went to Anna McCrea field and played baseball. We met at the field at about 2:30 PM and played until about 4:00 PM. Only one major injury occurred when Joanne swung the bat (for the first time) and popped her shoulder out. The only other injury was when Gerry rolled his ankle or something. I didn’t really see it. Joanne was out for the rest of the game so she decided to lay down and rest her shoulder.

When I was up at bat I hit the ball (to the outfield) every time!!! It may have just been because it’s a public school playground and the “outfield” is about 30-40 feet from home plate…but I actually think it was because of my awesome skills at hitting the ball. I figured I would have been better at catching the ball than at hitting the ball, but I was wrong. I seem to think that if I stand in the field that the ball will miraculously just come to me and I won’t have to move. Well, it didn’t. I could have sat on the bench and probably would have been more help. I also tend to squeal when the ball comes close to me. It’s like I try and scare the ball away from me.

Here are some pictures of everyone playing baseball.

When baseball was done, everyone came by my place for a barbeque and pool party. Everyone brought something to share. Chocolate cake, taco dip (because I made it), and a pasta salad were amongst the favorites.

And by the way...I got paid to do this!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Happy Birthday!

To my big brother Kevin.

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Sartor Family Reunion 2006

It began Friday evening with the Soo Locks Boat Tours. I met many of Jeremy’s relatives that I’ve never met before, I also saw relatives that I have met on a couple of occasions. When the boat tour was done, may of us decided to go to Docks for a couple of drinks.

Saturday, everyone went to Third Line West for the Sartor Olympics, food and drinks. A family photo of everyone that was in attendance was taken. Jeremy’s cousin (Alex) approves of me, which is great because she doesn’t approve of a lot of people. Everyone talked, laughed and reminiscence about the past. I heard stories about different people in the family. I saw pictures of Jeremy’s relatives when they were younger. Saturday evening, Jeremy, BJ, Krista (their cousin), Brian (family friend) and I went to the John Rhodes and watched Tyler Belanger play football with the Steelers.

Sunday afternoon, everyone went to Ryan Belanger’s house for swimming, volleyball, horseshoes and leftovers. We brought Odin and introduced him to relatives and cousins. He was a very good dog the entire day. He entertained people by showing his newly learned tricks (shake a paw, up pretty) and by playing and chasing ice cubes.

The next reunion is scheduled for 2008.