Phase I: Completed & Passed
About a month and a half ago, I applied for a job at the Sault Ste. Marie Police Station. I received a call from them at the beginning of December to complete Phase I of their hiring process. Phase I consists of a typing test (which you have to type faster than 35 wpm) and a test on their dispatch software.
I won't lie. I was nervous. I wasn't nervous about taking the test, but I was nervous about not passing the test...apparently it was suppose to be really hard. I felt that if I didn't do well, that my uncle (whom is the Inspector at the Police Station) would see me differently. While taking the test on Wednesday, I was confident that I would do well. Typing is second nature to me, and I figured that the dispatch software couldn't be too difficult. I passed the typing test with a typing speed of 60 wpm and 59 wpm (two five minute tests) and went onto the dispatch test. Before starting the test, I was talking with the administrator of thest test and she indicated that it was actually very hard and that no one does very well. So, I began...after half way through the test, the administrator came to me and told me that I was doing very well and that she was impressed with how easy I found it.
A day or so later, she called and told me that I passed the test and I am to take an aptitude test next Wednesday. Woo Hoo!!! The job will only be part-time, but it pays well. It pays almost double what I was making full-time.
Also, there is only 9 days left until Christmas is over!!! I'm super excited...Then everything can get back to normal.
I won't lie. I was nervous. I wasn't nervous about taking the test, but I was nervous about not passing the test...apparently it was suppose to be really hard. I felt that if I didn't do well, that my uncle (whom is the Inspector at the Police Station) would see me differently. While taking the test on Wednesday, I was confident that I would do well. Typing is second nature to me, and I figured that the dispatch software couldn't be too difficult. I passed the typing test with a typing speed of 60 wpm and 59 wpm (two five minute tests) and went onto the dispatch test. Before starting the test, I was talking with the administrator of thest test and she indicated that it was actually very hard and that no one does very well. So, I began...after half way through the test, the administrator came to me and told me that I was doing very well and that she was impressed with how easy I found it.
A day or so later, she called and told me that I passed the test and I am to take an aptitude test next Wednesday. Woo Hoo!!! The job will only be part-time, but it pays well. It pays almost double what I was making full-time.
Also, there is only 9 days left until Christmas is over!!! I'm super excited...Then everything can get back to normal.
Cool stuff on the tests/job. 35 wpm are you kidding me? I think I can finger peck (two finger type) that quick, sheesh.
And I think for anyone "into" computers learning new software or sorting something out shouldn't be too difficult but for those not familiar with them etc would find things harder so that's what they were probably comparing it too.
Congrats either way, hopefully it all works out.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sun Dec 17, 11:58:00 PM EST
Awesome! I'm sure you'll get the job.
There is a change on the job front with my husband as well. His current job is the biggest pain in the ass ever. Well actually it's his boss that is the pain. His boss may be moving out East and if he does he will be leaving Limey in charge here. No more weekends, no more no notice travel, no more midnights and no more early mornings! I'm crossing my fingers for both of you!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Mon Dec 18, 11:22:00 AM EST
Hey Sandra, congratulations on the tests. Wish we could be home for Christmas to see all of you! But I'm with you on the holidays being over because it just means one day closer to us moving into our house! :-)
Posted by
Anonymous |
Mon Dec 18, 05:47:00 PM EST