Sunday, December 17, 2006

Phase I: Completed & Passed

About a month and a half ago, I applied for a job at the Sault Ste. Marie Police Station. I received a call from them at the beginning of December to complete Phase I of their hiring process. Phase I consists of a typing test (which you have to type faster than 35 wpm) and a test on their dispatch software.

I won't lie. I was nervous. I wasn't nervous about taking the test, but I was nervous about not passing the test...apparently it was suppose to be really hard. I felt that if I didn't do well, that my uncle (whom is the Inspector at the Police Station) would see me differently. While taking the test on Wednesday, I was confident that I would do well. Typing is second nature to me, and I figured that the dispatch software couldn't be too difficult. I passed the typing test with a typing speed of 60 wpm and 59 wpm (two five minute tests) and went onto the dispatch test. Before starting the test, I was talking with the administrator of thest test and she indicated that it was actually very hard and that no one does very well. So, I began...after half way through the test, the administrator came to me and told me that I was doing very well and that she was impressed with how easy I found it.

A day or so later, she called and told me that I passed the test and I am to take an aptitude test next Wednesday. Woo Hoo!!! The job will only be part-time, but it pays well. It pays almost double what I was making full-time.

Also, there is only 9 days left until Christmas is over!!! I'm super excited...Then everything can get back to normal.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Goodbye SSMIC

After a year and a half at the Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre, my contract is complete. I learned a lot and had a lot of fun working there. But it's time to move on to bigger and better things...and hopefully better paying. One website that I helped out with is the SSMIC Portal ( It is a website that has a bunch of maps for Sault Ste. Marie (for example: bus routes, address locators, etc.) and I would highly suggest that everyone check it out. It's very helpful.

Friday, December 01, 2006

This One's For Jeannette

I saw this and thought that you would like to see it. :)

I just wish that the leotards that gave you permiwedggies were back in style!