Goodbye Snoopy!

While cleaning the bedroom yesterday, Jeremy and I noticed that we hadn’t seen or heard Odin in about 15 minutes so I decided to go and check on him. He was in the living room destroying his Snoopy. He pulled the stuffing out and spread it around the living room. He took the ball that Snoopy was holding and held it in his mouth and tried to run with it.
He likes to take shoes and pull the laces out. He'll bit the laces and try and throw the shoe, but it usually kicks him in the head. He also likes to play with ice cubes. He'll kick them around the kitchen then eat it when it gets small enough.
Odin’s been pretty good about not destroying things around the house…well except for my glasses. He's 4 ½ months old so i'm sure that more will be destroyed.

HEHE. This reminds me of Domino and "Mr. Spinach" or "Mrs. Lemons". Basically they were stuffed toys that had ropes for appendages, he played non-stop with the first one until it's leg fell off and then demolished the thing. We ended up buying him two more instances of the toy but he turned vicious and would just attack it until he was able to rip it's insides out. He does it with any stuff animal we give him now, he's crazy ilke that.
We can also give him bottles with lids on them and he'll play with it until he can get the lid off. Same goes for ropes, the rope is fun until he can untie it then it's a dead toy to him, he just likes the challenge of taking things apart I think.
Good thing he hasn't figured out how to take Fozzie apart yet :S
The yard is almost cleaned up so it's almost time for a play date with Fozzie, Domino and Odin. Sure Odin has height but Fozzie has the low centre of gravity and Domino has spazziness.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thu Aug 31, 02:43:00 PM EDT
Odin likes the plastic bottles but just picks them up and throws them. He also likes plastic bowls; he'll carry it in his mouth, but sometimes he can't see over the top of the bowl.
Posted by
.: Sandra :. |
Thu Aug 31, 03:50:00 PM EDT
Here's the Mr. Spinach post (I had another but can't find it right now):
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thu Aug 31, 05:07:00 PM EDT
Wow is he ever big now.
Posted by
Jen |
Thu Aug 31, 05:46:00 PM EDT
HaHa...That's pretty much what Snoopy looked like. The insides all thrown about. The only difference, was that Odin still had Snoopy in his mouth because he didn't want to let him go. Silly dog.
Last night was the first night without Snoopy. Odin didn't know what to do. He was sad and wouldn't really play. He just barked and then sat with us on the couch. He'll miss Snoopy.
Posted by
.: Sandra :. |
Fri Sep 01, 08:10:00 AM EDT
I'm looking for the pictures we had of the "new" toy "old" toy with Domino jumping up but I can't find it, however I did find a post (with picture) of a decapitated "Mean Kitty":
I also have other "list posts" that list the things Domino ate during the week, some are quite lengthy HAHA. Dogs, you gotta love them.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Fri Sep 01, 11:50:00 AM EDT
Odin will find a new baby, Domino always did. He's gone through many Lemons' and Spinaches' and Pooh bears. Fozzie is his new baby, but like Curt said - I really hope he doesn't learn to rip HIS insides out.
At 4.5 months if he hasn't already destroyed the place you're doing a good job. Domino ripped a hole in my jeans the 2nd day we had him. It went big time downhill from that point on.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sun Sep 03, 11:22:00 AM EDT