Thunder Boomer Coutu

Thunder Boomer Coutu
February 28, 1991 – May 17, 2006
Our beloved dog, trusted companion & best friend who will sorrowly missed, now peacefully at rest.
God couldn't have given us a more loving dog. We miss you with all of our hearts & will love you forever. Our best friend, our protector and now our guardian angel. But we are glad that he was with us; so full of life for 15 years.
My dad and I walked into the Northland Animal Hospital at 9:00 am. Boomer started to shake, just like always does when he goes to the vets. I held him in my arms, which comforted him. They called us into the examination room and I put Boomer down on the table. He climbed back up into my arms. He was scared. I held him until his heart stopped. My dad and I put him into the homemade box with one of his squeaky toys and he fit so perfectly. He looked comfortable for the first time since he started taking the Percocet pills. We put him into the vehicle and drove to Snowshoe Camp, which was one of Boomer's favourite places to be. My parents and I buried him beside the road that he ran on every time he was there. I'll be visiting him often as he was truly my best friend.
Goodbye Boomer Buddy, we'll miss you!!
I remember the first time I met Boomer... we were all afraid of him because we got too close to his food, and he didn't like that very much :)
Boomer was a great dog, and like you said, he will be missed very much!
Posted by
Bryan |
Thu May 18, 10:50:00 PM EDT
As soon as anyone would enter the house he would run to his food to make sure that no one would eat it.
He was always okay with me, but I guess that you never bite the hand that feeds you.
Posted by
.: Sandra :. |
Fri May 19, 08:31:00 AM EDT
Boomer died?! Every time I see a Westie I think of Boomer.
My condolences.
Posted by
Jen |
Fri May 26, 03:57:00 PM EDT