Happy Canada Day at Snowshoe Camp
This past Saturday, Jeremy, Odin and I spent the day at Snowshoe Camp. It was raining most of the time so we didn’t get to do much, but it was still fun. I wasn’t really looking forward to the ride into camp because Odin still isn’t that fond of riding in the vehicle. We put a blanket down in the backseat for him to lay down on and sleep. That didn’t happen. It ended up that I had to sit in the backseat with him and hold his bone for him to chew on. He didn’t really cry, so he is getting better. He slept on Jer’s lap most of the way home and only a couple times did he try to climb onto me and look out the driver side window.
When we got to Snowshoe, I showed Heather where Boomer was buried and she put a headstone at his grave. Henry seems to understands what happened to Boomer and he knows where is “grabe” is. I was worried that he would start asking questions about Boomer and I wouldn’t be able to handle it. People from Warncliffe came into Snowshoe and a couple little boys came over to the trailer and asked where the little white dog was. They were obviously referring to Boomer; they remembered playing with him last year and wanted to play with him again. I’m glad that these kids remember Boomer; it shows how much he was loved and will be missed by everyone.
Jeremy did have a chance to go fishing with Chrissy at Slash Creek where Jeremy caught a 1.5 pound bass. This is his first nice sized bass caught in a long time. When we go camping this coming weekend, he wants to go back to same spot and hopefully catch some more. Prior to this fishing trip, Jeremy spent $99.01 at Canadian Tire on fishing stuff, but caught this bass on a hook and leach (worth about $10 for all hooks and leaches) so I guess that you don't really have to spend a lot of money on fishing tackle to get a nice sized bass. But I'm glad he caught it because it was really tasty and because he had fun catching it.

You forgot to mention how much I rock at being a Fishing Guide. Also, the part where Jeremy screamed like a girl to get the fish net was pretty fun too! :) I love him!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thu Jul 06, 12:07:00 PM EDT
Jer didn't really catch that fish. I saw him at Pino's earlier in the day (might have been Friday) and he picked out that very fish and bought it there.
I think he possibly used some slight of hand tricks to sneak it out his line before anyone noticed then acted like he caught one.
That silly Jeremy.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thu Jul 06, 12:18:00 PM EDT
Everyone up here fishes for walleye leaving all the tasty bass for me!
Posted by
Jen |
Thu Jul 06, 12:57:00 PM EDT
That is one nice looking bass. I'm sure it was as tasty as it looks. Nice catch!
Posted by
Lunar Sister |
Thu Jul 06, 01:22:00 PM EDT
Jeremy said:
Chrissy!!! Get the Net!!! Get the Net!!! Chrissssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thu Jul 06, 03:37:00 PM EDT
So are you guys all going to the SJD reunion in October? Do you know of anyone else that is? I'm trying to decide whether or not to go, Leon needs to know in advance so he can book it off.
Posted by
Jen |
Fri Jul 07, 09:01:00 PM EDT
I feel for Jeremy, I went out and spent a ton on fishing lures but the only fish I've caught up here is on a 30 cent jig and minnows that I've pulled out of the lake for free.
Posted by
Slow Walker |
Fri Jul 14, 05:52:00 PM EDT