Did You Know???
- I just wonder if this hot dog total includes the ever so popular corn dogs? What about the amount of cheese sauce that employees can put on the 595 tons of fries?
Guests will drink more than 802,000 gallons of Pepsi products and will consume more than 29,000 gallons of hand-scooped ice cream.
- That's a lot of liquid, I wonder how many bathrooms there are in the park?
In 1890, a water toboggan was built so guests could slide down a ramp into the lake.
The first roller coaster opened at Cedar Point in 1892. Named the Switchback Railway, this scream machine thrilled riders with its 25-foot-tall first hill and it reached the dizzying speed of ten miles an hour.
The most popular ride in 2005 was Cedar Point’s 205-foot-tall favorite, the Magnum XL-200 roller coaster. 1,888,539 riders challenged Magnum’s 5,106 feet of track.
- Jeannette, Anthony, Heather, Bryan, Jeremy and I helped this total by riding this ride approximately 15 times each in 2 days last October!!!
About 99% of Cedar Point's employees have no idea was 12E stands for on the Disaster Transport Ride.
- The theming of Disaster Transport was done by a design firm, not the ride manufacturer. The name of the man from the design firm who designed Disaster Transport’s theming is Eric. That’s where the “E” comes from. As it turns out, Disaster Transport was the 12th ride he designed. If you put them together...12E. The mystery is finally solved.
The Wildcat has been moved 3 times, it was first located by the Cedar Point Aquatic Stadium, then moved to the Disaster Transport location and finally moved to the present location. It wasn't disassembled, it was picked up by 3000+ employees and walked to it's locations.
The Mantis was originally called the Banshee. The name was changed because of the meaning. In the dictionary, a Banshee is a female Irish spirit who's wailing signifies a forthcoming death in the family.
On Thunder Canyon, all but 2 seats usually get soaked.
Interesting Information
The Cedars Employee Hotel (behind the Wildcat ride) will most likely be torn down to make room for a new ride!
I still don't get why people like scary rides but whatever, have a great time!
Posted by
Jen |
Fri Jun 09, 06:57:00 PM EDT
You are a big nerd. But, I love you anyway....:) Glad you had a good time. I taught your dog all sorts of evil tricks to play on you while I babysat him.... Mouuhaha....
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tue Jun 13, 01:04:00 PM EDT