First Time For Everything

Jeremy and I took Odin for his very first walk last night. We walked around the block. He got really distracted while on the walk. He would run to the end of the leash, then sit and look around, we would catch up and walk past him. He then just would sit there and look around; we had to keep calling him to come. When we got to our driveway, he sat down and refused to move. I'm hoping that it was just because he didn't know what was going on.
While I was unpacking my computer yesterday, I found the toothpaste and toothbrush for Odin.

Today is Odin's second immunization shot. We'll have to wait for one more month before he can get his third immunization shot. At that point, we can take him to the park and anywhere else where dogs are. Here is a picture of Odin that I took last week. He has grown a lot since his last immunization shot. It will be interesting to see how much he weighs now.
Sir Odin is so cute. He's got your eyes. :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tue Jun 27, 01:14:00 PM EDT
I think he has your ears! :0)
Posted by
.: Sandra :. |
Tue Jun 27, 01:57:00 PM EDT
Kevin says he has your.... oh never mind.... SMILES.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tue Jun 27, 02:32:00 PM EDT
Wow, he grew fast!
Posted by
Jen |
Tue Jun 27, 06:38:00 PM EDT
Great pic. He already looks to be the size of Fozzie if not bigger. Damn midget dogs.
Brushing his teeth, bahaahaha, wanna come and try that with Dom or Foz? Although Dom has the whitest teeth I've ever seen on a dog, it's probably because he has no problem with chewing anything he finds.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wed Jun 28, 09:58:00 AM EDT