Happy Birthday!
I do have to say... I'm the greatest girlfriend of all. For Jer's birthday, I bought him 2 tickets to see the Pittsburgh Steelers play at the Cleveland Browns Stadium in Cleveland. The game is on November 19th at 1:00 PM.
Oh yeah...Jeremy figured out what I bought him about a month (or more) before his birthday. I gave him 2 - 3 clues because he's like a child and wanted to know :0). I told him that it's not something he can have, and that we have to go and get it (he wanted to book time off and I couldn't let him). Next time, I'm telling him clues that will just confuse him.
First your site updates weird as I didn't see this post until today (I check daily).
Second, you're the second best girl friend in the world -- Jes is first, she bought me an autographed/framed Brett Favre jersey w/ 40 Brett Favre cards also framed to match the jersey. I also guessed the jersey with very little clues. You can ask her about it she wasn't too happy but the look on her face was priceless.
Third, guys are geniuses and will always guess presents if they do with football.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thu Sep 07, 10:20:00 PM EDT
Yes, this blogger thing can be wierd. It "posts" the entry, but just saves it in the blog listing. It doesn't actually post it. I sometimes catch it the same day, but I didn't this time.
Jer told me about the jersey. I can't believe you guessed that. He was online last night (ebay) trying to buy a jersey. He needs a jersey for the game.
Posted by
.: Sandra :. |
Fri Sep 08, 08:02:00 AM EDT
Yeah, we're pretty much set on going to Green Bay now same weekend. I need a jersey for the game as well HAHA. And a cheese head. Or something.
We have 3 confirmed going right now and possibly Jes' dad so it should be fun. Go Packers!!! HAHA
Posted by
Anonymous |
Fri Sep 08, 09:16:00 AM EDT
Who knows maybe i'll go with you. Jer hasn't made up his mind on who he is taking. I can't believe he's thinking about it though.
Posted by
.: Sandra :. |
Fri Sep 08, 11:50:00 AM EDT