Vacation Plans 2006 - 2007
Cleveland (November 2006) This will be great because the new ride (Maverick) will be opening and we’ll be able to ride as many times as we want. I’m hoping that the Famous Dave’s restaurant will be a restaurant allowed for priority seating, otherwise it’ll be approximately 2 hour wait.
I decided to let Jeremy invite Anthony and Jeannette to Cleveland with us. I did this for a couple of reasons…1. Jeremy really wanted to bring Anthony to the Cleveland Browns/Pittsburgh Steelers football game. And he kind of made me feel guilty about going and not really enjoying football. 2. I felt even guiltier when Anthony didn’t want to go to the Green Bay Packers game because it was too expensive (the Cleveland Brown/Pittsburgh Steelers game wouldn’t be too expensive since I bought the tickets and the four of us would share the expense of the hotel and gas).
This way I’ll also get to go shopping with Jeannette.
Cuba (March/April 2007)
Heather, Bryan, Lisa, Karl, Jeremy and I have decided to take a trip to Cayo Coco, Cuba. It’ll be about $1400 for 1 week all-inclusive at a 5-star resort. I’m not sure of all the details, but I’ll update my blog when I do find them out.
Cedar Point (Spring/Summer 2007)
As per usual, Jeannette, Anthony, Heather, Bryan, Jeremy and I will be taking a trip to Cedar Point. The only difference this year is that we’ve decided to only go for 1 day (instead of 2 days), but we’ll be buying the VIP pass for $350 each. With this pass, we’ll get:
Heather, Bryan, Jeremy and I have rented a cottage for a week. Its $770 to rent the cottage for the week; $200 each plus food and drinks. My parents, Shelley & Aaron & family, my cousin and his family will be there, so it should be a lot of fun.
Wow... my name appears on a lot of these vacation plans. I don't think I have enough vacation time to cover these plans :) Looks like I might have to review some of these. Maybe one of use will be lucky enough to win the lottery or something... then it could be an entire summer vacation.
Posted by
Bryan |
Wed Oct 04, 03:43:00 PM EDT
Holly Crap, do you have your life planned for next year too. I don't even know what the hell I'm going to do next week let alone the summer.
Posted by
Slow Walker |
Wed Oct 04, 03:49:00 PM EDT
I bet you have all of your christmas shopping done too, don't you?????
Posted by
Slow Walker |
Wed Oct 04, 04:37:00 PM EDT
Bryan, one week in Cuba, one week at Snowshoe, Cedar Point is 1 day and you aren't coming to Cleveland (unless you want too, we have one more spot in the car). We could wait for Cuba though, but it's up to you and Heather.
Ryan...that's what living in the Sault does to someone. They plan their life so they can look forward to life outside of the Sault (even if it's for just a week).
Posted by
.: Sandra :. |
Thu Oct 05, 08:30:00 AM EDT
"that's what living in the Sault does to someone. They plan their life so they can look forward to life outside of the Sault"
Lmao that is too funny. I'm too cheap to go on trips. I can't bring myself to pay for them when I can have a renovated kitchen instead. I really should plan a trip for our 10 yr anniversary though. I'd still like to go to the Dominican. We'll see.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thu Oct 05, 11:36:00 AM EDT
I went to Cayo Coco in February of 2002 and I hated it. Try to avoid Club Tryp Cayo Coco - the food was bad, nobody understands english, and we were at least 1.5 hours away from anything to do. I've heard that some of the other resorts are a bit better but if you can help it stay way from Club Tryp.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thu Oct 05, 05:12:00 PM EDT
Jes - I'm suprised to here that... I've heard nothing but good things about that place. Friends of the family and numerous reviews were all positive... will have to research this more. Perhaps things have changed over that last few years. As for Cayo Coco being far away from things, I actaully think it's a good thing. But everyone's different right.
Posted by
Bryan |
Fri Oct 06, 12:33:00 PM EDT
Thanks for asking but I didn't want to go to Cuba....
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tue Oct 10, 08:56:00 AM EDT
Chrissy, you were suppose to be in Cancun. None of us thought that you would want to vacation in Cuba (isn't it right around the corner anyways?).
We haven't booked our trip yet; I still have to find my passport. Find out what is happening with Jason, then decided whether or not you want to come. You are more than welcome to come.
Posted by
.: Sandra :. |
Tue Oct 10, 02:25:00 PM EDT