Sorry for the latest of this post, I've been busy with work and haven't had a chance to update my blog.
This past weekend was the Second Annual Halloween Bash at Jeannette & Anthony’s place. It was a good time, even though I wasn’t drinking (stupid early work meeting). Jeremy and I dressed up as corpse bride and groom. Jeremy actually dressed up as a creature from Cedar Point’s Halloweekends, (Back Story: This creature scared Jeannette out of the park area and then found her later and scared her again) but looked like a corpse groom. Here is a picture of us.

There was lots of good food, snacks and drinks. My favorite were the jell-o shooters (Goulish Grape, Fresh Blood, Bat Puree, and Peach Puss).
Jeannette and Anthony dressed up as a devil and a vampire. And I would like to mention that Jeannette actually stayed in costume until midnight. I was quite impressed. Eventhough, I'm sure she would have rather changed into something more comfortable, she looked awesome. Bryan attended and took a massive amount of pictures (about 310 to be exact) and was dressed up as a cowboy with a horse. Heather spent a whooping $5.99 on her costume of a bear...only she couldn't find any ears so Chrissy (the 80's rock star) said she was a "B" because she didn't have any "ear"s. (Get it...drunk people, where do they come up with these things?). Michelle came as a pumpkin which was a very cute costume considering she said she doesn't fit into any costumes. I know for a fact that she would have definitly would have fit into Luke's costume, but probably wouldn't look as cute a Luke did (sorry Michelle). I've attached some pictures from the night on the bottom of the entry, if you want to see a few of Bryan's pictures goto